
Chapter 4. Igneous rocks


Rock Cycle


Igneous rocks

Igneous rocks form when magma (molten rock) cools down and CRYSTALLIZES.

How does magma form?

Probable causes of melting:

1. Geothermal gradient: (gg)

The rate at which temperature increases with increasing depth beneath the surface.

In an average it is ~25°C/KM on Earth.

However it is not the same everywhere

Much higher (up 70°C/KM) in an active volcanic region, and lower at plate interiors (17°C/KM).

Beneath volcanic regions to melt the rocks there is no need for larger depth (70°C/KM.). However beneath a plate interior, much larger depth is necessary for melting (17°C/KM.).


Hot spots in the crust (with very high local geothermic gradient), usually above hot mantle plums (Hawaii) probable Yellowstone park.


Rocks girding past rocks may generate heat as well. (along tectonic zones).


Heat from magma body may pass through country rocks and heat them. crystallization o f magma releases lots of heat.




The temperature of melting increases with increasing pressure. Pressure on the other hand increases with increasing depth, which means  if a rock would melt at the surface at a certain temperature, it would need much higher temperature to melt in the mantle.

b. Presence of water under pressure

If enough gas especially water vapor is present under high pressure, the melting temperature will be lower. ex. water pressure in granite lowers the melting  temperature from 900 °C to 650°C.


Will lower the melting temperatures.


How magmas of different composition evolve?


As the magma starts to crystallize the forming solid crystals separate out, gradually changing the composition of the remaining magma.

(Like the whole milk differentiates into cream and skim milk).

A scientist named Bowen had a high temperature laboratory, where he constructed a series of experiments, and figured out the order of crystallization. He collected different igneous rocks, and melted them together. He observed, that the minerals which crystallize first have higher melting temperatures than those which would crystallize as last.



Discontinuous Branch

1. The first mineral to crystallize is Olivine with very high Fe, Mg. After olivine crystallized the remaining liquid has less Fe, Mg, and more Si.

2. As the magma further cools down, it reaches the melting temperature of pyroxene, and it begins to crystallize. Some pyroxene would form from previous olivine by reacting with the melt, others crystallize from the melt, till the temperature reaches the melting temperature of amphibole.

3. Pyroxene might also react with the melt and rearrange into amphibole

4. The next step is biotite.

Any magma left after biotite, has no Mg, and Fe




Plagioclase feldspars

The Ca rich plagioclase starts to crystallize, with the highest melting temperature. As the temperature cools, more and more Na incorporates into the structure. This branch is crystallizing continuously until all the Na and Ca is gone.

If there is any more melt left, it will have a lot of Si and K and Al .

          Potassium feldspar will form  if the magma is dry (No H2O content)

          muscovite will form if water vapor is present

The last phase to crystallize if there is still melt is pure silica: QUARTZ





Bowen used his experiment to prove, that every kind of igneous rock could form from a single magma called parent magma (by differentiation).

In reality there is differentiation, but rare .

Most of the time there are different magmas forming .  Magmas with low or high SiO2 content. SiO2 content is very important.

          Ultra MAFIC: Very low SiO2. Less than 35%.

          MAFIC: LOW SiO2 between 35- 45%

          INTERMEDIATE:45-60% SiO2

          FELSIC:MORE THAN 60% SiO2

Plate tectonics and magma formation

We know, that the mantle has very low SiO2 content,

and the continental crust has high SiO2.

How magmas with different composition can form?

Along mid-oceanic ridges we have mafic magma forming


What happens along subduction zones?

          1, oceanic/oceanic crust + sediments (Deep water sediment is mostly kaolinite (high SiO2 content) and lots of  seawater+ low SiO2    oceanic  crust===intermediate magma will form,  Melting temperature  will be relatively low because of the presence of ocean water

          2. collision, or oceanic +continental plate boundaries felsic continental  crust, + seawater,  +kaolinite sediment ======felsic magma will form




Magma forms somewhere else intruding and melts some of the surrounding rocks


Partial melting

When the temperature is not high enough to melt the whole rock, the minerals with the lowermost melting temperature will melt, resulting in the formation of more felsic magma than the original composition.



Viscosity tells us how the magma is able to flow, and helps us to know how violent an eruption will be.

Viscosity depends on:

          1. temperature

higher the temperature the higher the ability of the magma to flow (less viscous) like water

       2. SiO2 content of the magma

       The more SiO2 the magma has the higher the viscosity will be. In the melt more and more SiO2 will result in more complex huge silicate structures, and it slows down the flow ability (honey)


Depth of crystallization

If the magma will not reach the surface  it will produce  INTRUSIVE igneous rocks

If it gets to the surface   EXTRUSIVE rocks will be produced.




          extrusive molten magma is LAVA



The characteristic intrusive texture

 Each crystal is visible with naked eyes

Extrusive texture types:

1. Porphiritic (mixed)

  Some crystals are visible, but most in the so called matrix is invisible for the naked eye.


2. Aphanitic

  Very few tiny crystals, most everything is invisible in the matrix.

3. glassy (hyaline)


4. vescicular

Volcanic glass with gas bubbles

5. Pyroclastic


Classification of igneous rocks  

 1. Felsic group

  Intrusive version: Granite

   Texture: Phaneritic              

   Composition: Quartz, K-feldspar, Biotite, Amphibole

    Extrusive versions: 1. Ryolite

    Texture: Aphanitic             

   Composition: Same as granite,

   Visible: few tiny feldspar, Biotite, Amphibole crystals

    Extrusive versions: 2. Obsidian

    Texture: Glassy

     Composition: Same as granite,

      No visible minerals   

    Extrusive versions: 3. Pumice

     Texture: Vesicular     

       Composition: Same as granite, no visible minerals

2. Intermediate group

  Intrusive version: Diorite

   Texture: Phaneritic              

   Composition: Na-plagioclase, Biotite, Amphibole

    Extrusive versions: Andesite

    Texture: Porphiritic              

   Composition: Same as Diorite

   Visible: Some Biotite, Amphibole crystals  

3. Mafic group

  Intrusive version: Gabbro

   Texture: Phaneritic              

   Composition: Ca-plagioclase, Olivine, Pyroxene, Amphibole

    Extrusive versions: 1. Basalt

    Texture: Aphanitic              

   Composition: Same as gabbro

   Visible: few tiny olivine

    Extrusive versions: 2. Porphiritic basalt

    Texture: Porphiritic

     Composition: Same as gabbro

      Visible mineral: pyroxene   

    Extrusive versions: 3. Scoria

     Texture: Vesicular     

       Composition: Same as gabbro, but no visible minerals

4. Ultramafic group

  Intrusive version: Dunite

   Texture: Phaneritic              

   Composition: Olivine, Pyroxene


Occurence of igneous rocks

Most magma is imp laced at depth and never come to the surface. They are called



we can only study them after erosion 

Dike: discordant

Sill: tabular plutons formed along sedimentary layers (Palisades sill) Their depth is shallow, they often very similar to volcanic rocks. (basaltic most of the time)


More viscous magma makes it, but similarly shallow as sill. lens shape


Volcanic Pipes and necks

From Williams (1936).

The volcano generally have a cylindrical conduit named volcanic pipe. Usually it is more durable than the surrounding rocks, therefore it is more resistant to erosion.



Huge intrusive bodies,  Idaho batolith is 40,000Km2





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